Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ringing in the New Year

It is January of 2014. Thank god 2013 is over, it sucked. This year however will bring a lot of new challenges to my life. I'm ready to take them head on!!! To get this New Year post kicking off, let's take a look at 2013.

In 2013 I had a flux of excellent physical activity and terrible physical activity. I went from doing 2 work outs a day from Jan-Feb while I was studying my NCLEX to none for a while and working night shift, to gym a lot, to not, to Insanity, to nothing. It's been a roller coaster. Dietary wise wasn't too bad, obviously not the best but it got worse after my surgery. So the end of the year I kicked my butt in gear and did a solid one moth of full dedication. Here is what my calendar ended up looking like:

So out of 31 days of December, there were 4 rest days, 3 days I should have worked out but didn't, and 24 work out days. The diet got much better, slowly but surely added veggies and removed some crap food. It was an overall loss of 3 pounds and 2% body fat in December. Considering the holidays…2 family holiday meals, a party, New Year's Eve drunk fest, I'll take it! My weekly goals for December were: To get into a fitness routine (check), to add veggies (check), to add vitamins (check), ensure bed time 10pm--getting down to being in bed between 10 and 11 so that's pretty good, and then add AM work outs (check!) 

Still loving every minute of my FitBit!! It totally rocks. I've shown it to several people who have purchased theres. Every week it sends me a weekly status update. Here is the one from last week, which was my first week using it. 

Obviously my least active day was Christmas lol. But here's what we're looking at for the week, and what it tracks. Pretty sweet! It also has a 12 step program so each week you try to be a little more active which I'm working on. This week has gone well except New Years Eve will pizza and booze I went WAY over cal in vs out and then yesterday New Years Day super hung over and our anniversary so I planned that as my weekly rest day for this week. It's ok to throw your body off once in a while though with some extra calories so it doesn't plateau. 

So now that it is January, this concludes week 5 so far of changes with success. Next week I'll finish the advance portion of Brazil Butt Lift and add in Hip Hop Abs which will take me through the end of this month. Here is the calendar I made for my fridge for January.

Last week I accomplished one of my weekly goals for December which was to start exercising in the mornings before work. I get up at 0500 and do a half hour on the elliptical. It seriously jump starts my day. It also helps when I get home if I'm too tired to be super active, I've already got some exercise in there. So what else is happening this month? I've picked up extra hours at work gotta make some money this year and pay off my debt! But also to add different types of workouts. I've got my elliptical, we've been taking the dogs for walks, but this month I'm going to try and add swimming and hot yoga. We'll see how it goes. I have to buy a swim suit, yoga mat, and hot yoga towel. 

I just bought some more supplements for this months training. I've been asked a lot what all do I take. So here is the break down to include the ones I just bought: multivitamin, joint guard, green tea, hydroxycut, CLA, BCAA, and fish oil/omega 3. I also use syntha 6 chocolate protein powder with almond milk after workouts. For my pre-workout I just bought some C4.  It seems like a lot and for me I have a REALLY sensitive stomach with pills. But this combo works out pretty well for me. If you're more interested in the brands of them let me know I'll tell you which ones I buy. I usually get all my stuff off BodyBuilding.come

We also started shopping at whole foods. I'm excited for trader joes because their specific brand is really good stuff. Whole foods was expensive (mostly the meat) but it's nice to clean out the pantry and fill it with things good for our bodies. I just bought a vitamin/mineral powder like one of those veggies in a pill but powder form. Since I have my mean green smoothie daily, I'm going to put a scoop of it in my smoothie daily for the extra nutrients because I still am not eating enough vegetables (hate them so much). Oh yeah heres my recipe for my smoothie, been asked for it a few times:

1/4 c kale
1/2 c spinrach
1 stalk celery
1/4 c strawberry
1/5 of a cucumber
3 baby carrots
1/5 of an avocado
1 small organic apple
1/5 of a tomato
1 tbs chia seed
1 tbs flaxseed
1 c water
1 c pure coconut water

This recipe makes two large cups of juice which I have one with breakfast and the other about an hour or two after breakfast. It's awesome. Takes some acquired taste though. It all tastes fine to me now so I figured adding the powdered veggie nutrients will be a cake walk. So my breakfast is the juice and 3 scrambled whole eggs (come on lets be real if you only do the whites you lose half the protein and nutrients! and besides if you're worried about cholesterol, it's not the eggs that'll kill you, it's everything else bad such as fried, greasy, fast foods).

Well last but not least, my goals for 2014…. I haven't quite mapped them all out but this is what I have in mind. Mind you that they don't all have dates and some are vague:
To get down to 110 pounds by my 26th birthday June 2nd
To get down to 15% body fat by my 26th birthday June 2nd
To get therapeutic massages on my hips 2x a week until feeling better
To run every other week (bad hips, too much impact, add elliptical, bike, and swimming)
To walk the dogs daily
To write down every day something good that happened (journal style) and review them Dec 31, 2014
To save money and pay off my Debt by Dec 31, 2014
To stick with my 13 month workout calendar so that by Dec 31, 2014 I will have completed Brazil Butt Lift, Hip Hop Abs (1 & 2), Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Insanity, Insanity Insane Asylum (1 & 2) so that 2015 I reward myself by getting a personal trainer. 
TO BE POSITIVE and to not be hard on myself. 

That's it for now. Next week I promise to put up a recipe page and talk more about Paelo and the Whole 30, so get ready for that! Here's some weekly motivation so get out there, work out, eat better, feel better. You can't put a cost on your health and your life. Choices, changes, and changes--you must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. I made the choice, I took the chance, and my life IS CHANGING. It's up to you. 

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